Shums Acupuncture Clinic


Electromagnetic Spectrum


Most of the energy in our world that can effect us falls somewhere on the electromagnetic spectrum. This is a spectrum which classifies everything from radio waves to xrays, with visible light falling somewhere in the middle. What separates the different frequencies of light are their frequency of oscillation, which can be imagined as how far apart the tops of waves are. The lower on the electromagnetic spectrum, the longer the wavelength and vice-versa.

Infrared light therapy is a means of harness one of the most resonant frequencies of light in order to promote healing on a cellular level.

When your body is exposed to infrared light, it triggers a reaction on a cellular level. This reaction signals your body to start producing a lot of Nitric Oxide, which increases blood flow. There is much evidence that this type of increase in Nitric Oxide can help performance of muscles in the short term, as well as reduce wear and tear in the long term.      

Electromagnetic waves